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Back To Vana'diel

Back To Vana'diel

That's right, it's been 14 years since we last marauded our way through the world of FFXI, but with the game's 20th anniversary being celebrated this year a couple of us have found ourselves dipping back into Vana'diel.

An awful lot has changed since we've been away, but we're slowly finding our feet and having fun doing it.

Fancy dusting off your old account, or even making a new one and jumping in to give the game a go?  Let us know on Discord and one of us can help you get setup (there's a few hoops to jump through if you're a returning player), point you in the direction of the starter information you need, and meet you ingame!



After two housing lotteries lost and many hours spent planning, designing, building & tinkering by M.Steiner & Isileth, we are now the proud owners of a fully furnished Free Company estate in Empyreum on Omega!

If you'd like to pay us a visit you can find us in Ward 10, Plot 8. Alternatively, MS has posted lots of screenshots on the forum as well which you can see here.

Good luck out there if you're braving the housing savage too, we know those plots are not easy to come by (or any, for that matter)!

WoW-EU Group Video Unearthed

WoW-EU Group Video Unearthed

It might have been a long time since the STR have been active in WoW-EU, but since when has that stopped us unearthing old, cool memories of times gone by?

Yes that's right, we're at it again!  After finding a treasure trove of Final Fantasy XI Group Videos a couple of years ago, we've only gone and stumbled over one of our WoW-EU days too!

And naturally, that means we're going to share it with you!  Interested?  Here's where you can find a very cool recording of our Last Day on Bladefist back in 2006.

Our thanks to Rarwen for filming this for us at the time.

Endwalker Early Access

Endwalker Early Access

We're almost there, folks! As we say our goodbyes to Shadowbringers, the FFXIV servers have now gone down for maintenance in preparation for the early access launch of Endwalker (6.0), due to go live at 9am GMT tomorrow morning!

Endwalker is the final chapter of the Hydaelyn and Zodiark storyline, bringing to an end this decade-long saga in what is reported to be the games biggest expansion yet. Unlike previous expansions which would continue their stories into the post-launch patch cycle (Shadowbringers ended in 5.3 for example), Endwalker will begin & end in 6.0. With it comes brand new zones, cities, dungeons, jobs and a whole lot more. - The full patch notes have been published here.

See you guys on the moon!

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